Vechain dnv gl partnerství
DNV GL buys stake in leading public blockchain service provider VeChain as it strengthens commitment to raising trust and transparency through digital solutions DNV GL - Business Assurance CEO Luca Crisciotti and VeChain CEO Sunny Lu. VeChain and DNV GL declare a partnership that concentrates on the clarity of information about products and suppliers in the supply chain to enhance efficiency. DNV GL is operating with food producers to guarantee food safety throughout the chain. DNV GL, strategic partner of VeChain and the world-leading certification body, has been making continuous efforts to accelerate digital transformation. They’re striving to empower the real economy Since the announcement of our strategic partnership in January 2018, the collaboration between VeChain and DNV GL has been progressively promoting the adoption of blockchain to help enterprises bolster the transparency and trust between their customers and products. Po oznámení partnerství s DNV GL probíhala ceremonie, kde představitelé obou společností podepisovali ''DNV GL - VeChain Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem''. Tento dokument slouží jako potvrzení partnerství mezi norskou DNV GL a klíčovými partnery čínského Five-Year plánu (kam patří i VeChain).
Tato ceremonie probíhala VeChain Foundation oznámil prostřednictvím svého oficiálního Twitter účtu vznik spolupráce s pojistnou skupinou Peoples Insurance Company China a s globální společností Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL), která se zabývá risk managementem. In 2021 DNV GL will focus on creating supply chain and sustainability solutions. In recent years, the cooperation between DNV GL and VeChain has led to the development of many solutions based on the blockchain technology that they have successfully applied in multiple sectors. Vechain’s ever energetic associate DNV GL keeps on firing on all cylinders with colossal relationships that provide endless glories to the former. Last year, a report by Weixin announced DNV GL signed a strategic partnership with Tencent, one of the world largest providers of online service and the owner of the popular messaging platform WeChat. DNV GL will provide VeChain’s blockchain powered services to their huge customer base. Next to this DNV GL and VeChain have developed My Story, a digital assurance solution for the food and beverages industry based on audits and data collection.
San Marino spolupracuje s kryptoměnou VeChain (VET). Projekt „San Marino Low Carbon Ecosystem,“ je ekologický projekt, jehož součástí je nový utility token.
Co je ale nejzajímavější, VeChain a jeho obchodní pár VET / USD zaznamenal za posledních 24 hodin slušný 10% nárůst. Za tímto růstem může stát jednak úspěšné spuštění mainnetu verze 1.0.2, jakož i spolupráce s lídrem v oblasti pojišťovnictví v Číně - společností PICC (Peoples Insurance Company China). Kryptoměna VeChain má významné partnerství s Čínskou aliancí pro zdraví zvířat a bezpečnost potravin (CAFA) zahrnující McDonald’s či IBM. HOUSTON, Jan. 25, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- DNV GL and VeChain have agreed on a partnership to use blockchain to improve the transparency of product and supplier information, significantly increasing 5/18/2018 VeChain is the pioneer of real-world applications using public blockchain technology.
Med utgangspunkt i vårt mål om å sikre liv, verdier og miljø bidrar DNV GL organisasjoner til å øke sikkerheten og bærekraften i våre kunders virksomheter.
SHANGHAI, Oct. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- In partnership with VeChain and DNV GL, Renji Hospital, a top-ranked hospital in China affiliated with the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, News / Announcement: "DNV GL and VeChain have agreed on a partnership to use blockchain to improve the transparency of product and supplier information, significantly increasing the efficiency of supply chains. DNV GL buys stake in leading public blockchain service provider VeChain as it strengthens commitment to raising trust and transparency through digital solutions DNV GL - Business Assurance CEO Luca Crisciotti and VeChain CEO Sunny Lu. VeChain and DNV GL declare a partnership that concentrates on the clarity of information about products and suppliers in the supply chain to enhance efficiency. DNV GL is operating with food producers to guarantee food safety throughout the chain.
Ja, jag vill gärna ta emot e-post som innehåller information från DNV GL, som till exempel inbjudan till webbinarier och seminarier, nyhetsbrev eller nyheter om forskning, som DNV GL anser är relevanta för mig.
История. DNV GL ведет свою историю с 1864 года, когда в Норвегии было создано Det Norske Veritas для инспекции и надзора за норвежским коммерческим флотом. DNV GL & VeChain – Blockchain-enabled Digital Assurance Concept. This was originally live streamed to Facebook on 24/1/18. VeChain, the world's leading Blockchain-as-a-Service company and one of the early movers that pioneered the enterprise-level public blockchain technology outside of fintech, joined hands with DNV GL in developing blockchain-based business solutions upon VeChainThor Blockchain to facilitate its digital transformation every step of the way.
Na taj se način ostvaruje značajno povećanje učinkovitosti opskrbnih lanaca. Responding to a growing demand from consumers for not just verified and ethical brands, but products too, DNV GL and VeChain have developed a supply chain assurance platform for packaged goods using blockchain technology. DNV GL says consumers want products to demonstrate a “brand’s promises to be honest and responsible.” These brands try to demonstrate […] Jan 19, 2021 · VeChain has announced it will team up with ASI Group together with existing partner DNV GL on an initiative to enable food tracking on the blockchain. Called FoodGates, it is Looking Back on 2020 and 2021 Predictions May 25, 2019 · VeChain is a blockchain-based supply chain tracking project that has partnered with many big name companies including BMW, Renault, BYD Auto, Amazon Web Services, Haier, People’s Insurance Company of China, PwC, Deloitte and DNV GL among others. Investors include DraperDragon, Breyer Capital, Fenbushi, PwC APAC, and DNV GL. DNV GL to strengthen partnership with VeChain as part of digital strategy # dvngl # VeChain # vet # cryptocurrency DNV GL has been able to expand and increase the scope of its services and the development of new solutions with VeChain.In 2021 DNV GL will focus on creating supply chain and sustainability solutions. The enterprise-focused VeChain ecosystem aims to improve supply chain management. Several firms such as automobile manufacturers BMW and Renault, and global quality registrar DNV GL, use the In partnership with VeChain and DNV GL, Renji Hospital, a top-ranked hospital in China affiliated with the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, has announced the launch of the world’s first blockchain-enabled Intelligent Tumor Treatment Center.
Last year, a report by Weixin announced DNV GL signed a strategic partnership with Tencent, one of the world largest providers of online service and the owner of the popular messaging platform WeChat. Aug 01, 2018 · DNV GL will provide VeChain’s blockchain powered services to their huge customer base. Next to this DNV GL and VeChain have developed My Story, a digital assurance solution for the food and beverages industry based on audits and data collection. Read more about the partnership between DNV GL and VeChain here. 2 PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) DNV GL buys stake in leading public blockchain service provider VeChain as it strengthens commitment to raising trust and transparency through digital solutions DNV GL - Business Assurance CEO Luca Crisciotti and VeChain CEO Sunny Lu. Since the announcement of our strategic partnership in January 2018, the collaboration between VeChain and DNV GL has been progressively promoting the adoption of blockchain to help enterprises bolster the transparency and trust between their customers and products. VeChain a jeho obchodní pár VET / USD zaznamenal za posledních 24 hodin slušný 10% nárůst. Za tímto růstem může stát jednak úspěšné spuštění mainnetu verze 1.0.2, jakož i spolupráce s lídrem v oblasti pojišťovnictví v Číně - společností PICC (Peoples Insurance Company China).
Digitalization is the new black, VeChain CEO and co-founder Sunny Lu believes. In a recent tweet, Lu claimed that in this new wave of digital transformation, blockchain will not be missed. This year, together with its strategic partner DNV GL, VeChain announced a tripartite collaboration with ASI Group to initiate the first cross-continental logistics and trades solution powered by "DNV GL and VeChain have agreed on a partnership to use blockchain to improve the transparency of product and supplier information, significantly increasing the 23 Sep 2019 VeChain, Together With Its Partners - DNV GL and Deloitte, Attended the Shanghai International Blockchain Week 2019 As Keynote Speakers 14 May 2019 DNV GL and blockchain leader VeChain will exhibit My Story™, the blockchain powered digital assurance solution that allows brands to share Media · Follow us on social media · MAYBE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: · Limit search to: · results found for: vechain.
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The CEOs of DNV GL - Business Assurance and VeChain explain the benefits of the collaboration between the companies.
Revenue: $2.4 billion.